Not much to report, except that in the blushing glow of my new infatuation with Lachlan, I sent him an actual snail mail package--I know, classy, right?--with a print of a stencil I had made (a hilarious squawking ostrich) and a letter confessing the reasons for my crush (i.e. previous post). It was kinda ballsy even for me...or crazy, or something.
So then I had to wait for a couple of days to hear back from him about it. I got a little sweaty every time I thought about all the entropy that such a move could generate, but then he finally messaged me about it yesterday. He authorized me to make his son a t-shirt, thanked me for the "intense and flattering" letter, and said that he wanted to see me soon. So we'll see.
In the meantime, I've gotten sick as per usual this time of year, so I'm spending lots of time coughing up lungs and sneezing out brains. I've also been restricting my smoking. These stressors combined have resulted in an extremely irritable mood that has too often ended up being directed at Simon. I've reached a decidedly above-simmer hotheaded mood several times--this morning I had to restrain myself from calling him and bitching him out about about using too many towels and then not washing them--and I'm not sure how to control it right now. I have so little psychic energy, I want only to be left alone, and I continue to feel extremely annoyed that I am always sick during my (otherwise) favorite time of year. I can barely contain the desire to go hole up in a hotel for a few days and tell the world to fuck. Off. Srsly.
Wish me a better week, oh nonexistent reader.
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